Anxious About Terrorism? What You Can Do Now!

Busy women can take affirmative action to prepare for thier family's comfort in the event of an emergency.
Take Heart! Prepare for Your Family’s Comfort

The primary mission of my blog has always been to provide quality content that will support my readers in managing challenging life events. I hope to accomplish this mission by offering organizational and planning concepts that empower women to purposefully rise to any challenge.

The terror attacks in Paris sent waves of shock and concern around the world. As we all continue to offer prayers and support for the Paris victims and their families, we are reminded that terrorism is a grim reality of our world today.

It is distressing to think this could happen close to our home. Even if you live some distance from the location of an event, your family will be affected if there is a terror attack in your region.

I am touched by this Cheyenne proverb:

“A nation is not conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground. Then it is done, no matter how brave its warriors or strong its weapons.”

So take heart! Just as we can take steps to prepare for winter storms or hurricane season, there are affirmative actions we can take now to be more in control of our family’s safety and comfort.

Service and Supply Interruptions

After the attacks, the city of Paris was immediately closed down and the residents were ordered to stay home. The borders of the country were closed.

In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on September 11, American planes were grounded for days and interstate highways were closed around Washington and New York. Most businesses in the greater metropolitan areas closed, at least for a day or two, as workers reeled from the collective shock and stayed home to hug their family members.

Don’t wait until the last minute to replace daily necessities. Don’t assume your local store or gas station will always be open for you. Get in the habit of planning a week or two ahead.

Fill up your gas tank. Do it today, and keep it topped off. It only takes a few minutes to pump a quarter tank of gas.

Refill medications at least a week before they run out. Most insurance plans allow you to order refills 10 days before the prescription runs out. Better yet, arrange for long-term medications to be filled in 90 day supplies. Those can be refilled up to 30 days before the supply runs out. Ask your pharmacist if you are unsure about the refill options under your plan.

If you rely on fuel oil or propane for winter heating or cooking, you might want to consider arranging for your delivery now, if you haven’t already. Not only will you be good to go for the season, but you will avoid a huge price jump if things get worse in the Middle East.

Communication Breakdowns

On September 11th , when the attacks occurred my youngest son and I were both in the area of Frederick, Maryland. My oldest son was working in Rockville, and my husband was driving toward Washington, DC to meet with a client in Georgetown.

I worked in a large corporate office, and we alternated between trying to make calls and huddling around live streaming images on computer monitors. Several of my colleagues had family members working at the Pentagon.

None of us could get a call through. Lines were jammed or totally offline. Cell phones, land lines… nothing was getting through.

It was hours before I learned that all my family members were safe. Thankfully, my husband stopped at a hardware store before making it as far as the beltway. Learning of the attacks, he turned around and headed home.

Have a communication plan with your family members. Texting can sometimes work if voice calls won’t go through (and uses less battery power).

Consider having a designated person outside of your area that can be the check-in for your family. Make sure everyone has that number on their phone or in their wallet. In our case, when the Washington DC metro area call lines were jammed, we may have each had a better chance at reaching my brother in Ohio.

Agree in advance who will pick up your children at school if it will be outside normal dismissal.

Comfort Foods

Stock your pantry with easy to prepare foods that are comforting to your family. Aim to keep at least a week’s worth of meals in the house.

Don’t wait until you are completely out to replace your normal supply of basics like milk and bread.

Even if area stores remain open, during times of high stress and uncertainty, who wants to plan meals and go grocery shopping? Give yourself a break for a few days.

Take a few minutes now to jot down a short menu of easy to prepare meals and snacks using shelf-stable or basic ingredients. Make purchasing these items a priority. Chili and cornbread crackers? Macaroni and cheese? How about tuna salad and crackers?

If you cook for someone with special dietary needs, what do you need to have on hand for them? Will you need to stock infant formula or baby foods?

Use and replace your “comfort” meals on a regular basis. It is a huge help to have a go-to meal on hand for busy days, and it will keep your supplies fresh.

Always have a supply of bottled water on hand. The Department of Homeland Security recommends at least a three day supply of one gallon per day, per person.

I like to have the same supply of water for my pets, as well as dry and canned pet foods and enough extra cat litter on hand to last a week or two.

Non-Food Comfort

Think of the things you would hate to run out of if you are already stressed. In my house that includes things like toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags and facial tissues. Keep in mind that paper products get used up faster when everyone is unexpectedly home for a few days.

Some homes will want to have a reserve of special items like feminine hygiene products, baby diapers, or adult incontinence products.

I like to have batteries on hand for all my devices, including remote controls and flash lights.

If you have young children, set aside some games or craft supplies to distract them from worried grownups and distressing news coverage.

Regardless of where you live, the news of terrorist attacks are disturbing, and even frightening. We can’t control what some lunatic might do. But, by making some simple preparations for our home and family, it does let us take back some sense of control. These are things we can do!

For more detailed information about responding to specific threats, check out the U.S. government information site

Do you have concerns about terrorism? Would you like to see more discussion on how we women can take care of our families during an emergency? Please leave your comments below. Thank you!


How To Prevent Sneaky Focus Killers From Wrecking Productivity

Prevent focus killers from ruining your productivity.
Distractions – like shiny objects – can ruin your productivity!

Have you ever noticed how many things way down on your to-do list can get done when you really need to be focusing on your top three? Or one top priority? I know better and you know better, but it happens anyway, and our productivity suffers.

It happened to me this morning. I had scheduled a block of time for writing a specific blog post that – as of this afternoon – remains unwritten.

Rather than make myself crazier trying to get back on that specific topic, an analysis of what wrecked my productivity can serve as a cautionary tale for all of us creative entrepreneurs.

Focus Killer Number One: Multi-Tasking

I still have a full-time day job during the week, and have found that my best time for a productive writing session on weekends is very early, first thing after my coffee.

I knew I needed to write a blog post first thing this morning, before hubby was up and active and the day got away from me. It was in my plan, my top three, and my priority.

But hey, I have a lot of tasks on my to-do list for today, so before I even booted up my laptop I decided to get a few “quick” things done to get the ball rolling.

It seemed so much more productive to begin by sorting laundry and getting the first load in. Multi-tasking is efficient, right?

Then I decided to go ahead and get a shower and wash my hair. Since I was going to need to change my polish later anyway, it made perfectly good sense to strip my polish before jumping into the shower. Likewise sensible to get on my make-up and style my hair so I would already be good to go, even though no one was awake to see me but the cats!

Efficient? Heck no! I should have jumped right in to my writing project without any delays!

Focus Killer Number Two: Social Media

I was just about to head to my desk when the washer beeped alerting me that it was time to hang up the “delicate” stuff and start another load.

Then my phone whistled. I had to see who was Periscoping at that hour of the morning! Still multi-tasking, I watched the scope while hanging up wet laundry to drip dry. Connecting with another viewer, I promised to send her some information on a virtual assistance recommendation.

Holy cow! Look at the time! I could have been done writing that article by now! Get a move on, girl!

Finally at my desk, laptop booted up and word processing application running I am almost ready to go.

Before I forgot, I had to locate the link for the virtual assistant and send it to the lady I met on Periscope this morning. Then my phone whistled again.

It was one of my online girl boss besties!! I can’t miss one of her scopes!! She had epic news to share.

She is a hoot, I was laughing so hard I lost track of time. Then we got to talking about planners, planning supplies, the local availability of planner supplies …. Oh the humanity! My plans for the morning were rapidly sinking under the weight of all those very shiny objects.

I should have silenced my phone.

Focus Killer Number Three: Market Research

This is a fancy way of saying I ended up shopping online instead of writing my article.

While it really is a lame excuse for spending money instead of staying on task for my business, in an abstract sort of way, it was an exercise that underscored a lesson in marketing from one of my favorite business coaches. Doesn’t that sound almost respectable?

In a recent webinar, we discussed that one of the reasons a customer may purchase your product is because the customer doesn’t want to be left out.

I am a mature, responsible woman. I rarely make impulse purchases.

This marketing concept is spot-on.

When my favorite online business gals began discussing different planners and which brands are getting hard to find…. something happened. I wanted to have cool stuff, too! I had already been on the lookout for one of the planners that was mentioned, so it didn’t take much of a push.

Planners and planner supplies are shiny objects. My inner child likes shiny things and she ran amok.

I ran down the planner acquisition rabbit hole with fingers flying on my laptop keyboard before the scope on my phone was even over. And I did score. From two different sources. With free shipping, which, as we all know, mitigates any shopping guilt.

But it was a focus killer. My shopping could have waited!

Wrapping It Up

I did enjoy my connections on social media this morning. My online purchases are within my budget and I’m looking forward to delivery. Still, I would rather have had the time for other things today. Lesson learned!

Work days are easy, I have a routine that is well-established. Days off make it too easy to feel like I’ve got plenty of time to get plenty of tasks done.

That’s when the Focus Killers can getcha!

Next week, I will treat my weekend priority as a priority and do that task first, and ONLY that task until it is completed. Anything else on my to-do list will wait.

What are your focus killers? How do you avoid them or recover from them? Please share in the comments below!

Mom Against Germs! How To Plan For Flu Season


Here we go again! The flu season is upon us. On top of the annual threat of influenza, we can expect the usual rounds of colds and stomach bugs.

There is never a good time for anyone to get sick, and having the flu or another ailment work its way through the family is exhausting on the main caregiver – usually you!

While you may not be able to keep everyone healthy this season, armed with your planner you can be organized and ready to deal with seasonal sickness.

When to Call a Doctor

Anyone who is pregnant, very young, elderly or already dealing with other medical problems like asthma are at high risk for flu complications and should be seen by a medical professional if you think they have the flu.

For folks not in a high-risk group, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) most flu cases can be treated at home without a doctor visit or prescription medications.

High risk or not, if anyone in your family is sick with severe symptoms you should get them medical attention right away. Severe symptoms may include:

  • Breathing problems like shortness of breath or chest pain
  • Blue color around the person’s lips or fingers
  • Dehydration symptoms like a crying child with no tears
  • Decreased urination
  • Changes in skin color or texture
  • Mental confusion or excessive sleepiness

Trust your instincts. If someone in your family is sick and you are worried, get them checked out!

Setting Up Your Planner

Don’t wait for someone to get the flu to create a medical information section in your planner. Or, go ahead and create a separate planner just for emergencies that includes medical information for your household.

Planning for Emergency Contacts

Have a page with contact information for each doctor or medical group that your family normally visits. Remember to include telephone numbers for after-hours calls.

On the contact page, include your local hospitals, urgent care and pharmacies.

If your regular pharmacy does not offer 24-hour emergency service, find the nearest one that does so you won’t have to hunt that information down in the middle of the night if you ever need it.

Do you have pets that would need to be cared for if you had to be at the hospital for a day or two? Is there a friend or neighbor you can call if that happens? Include that contact information, too.

Family Medical Information

You might have your family‘s “vital statistics” in your head or in your wallet, but what if you are the one that is sick, or you have your hands full with a sick child?

Having all the information in one place will be a huge help to you or someone else who is caregiving if you are flat on your back.

For each person in your family, create a page with their full name, date of birth, and social security number (often used by medical providers to identify medical records). For children, it would be helpful to include a current weight.

Make a copy of each person’s medical and pharmacy insurance cards.

List any current medical conditions, and the name and dosage of any medications the person is taking, including vitamins and herbal supplements. Note if the person received the flu or pneumonia shot this year.

Remember to list any known allergies!

Calendar a reminder to update this information section regularly.

Organizing Your Home

The last thing you want to have to do is drag yourself or a sick kid to the store for supplies if there is illness in your house.

Start now to gather the things you will want to have on hand for care and comfort if any of your peeps come down with colds, flu or a stomach virus.

Groceries for Cold and Flu

Chicken soup, of course! Canned soup is shelf stable and easy to heat and eat.

Fluids are very important so lay in a supply of ginger ale, herbal teas, sports drinks like Gatorade and special drinks like Pedialyte if you have little ones.

Popsicles can be helpful for getting fluids into someone with an upset stomach or sore throat.

Some easy to prepare and digest foods to keep in the pantry are a variety of juices, soups, puddings, Jello, crackers and toast.

What would you like to have if you are the one that is sick?

Have on hand over-the-counter age-appropriate cold remedies and fever reducers as recommended by your medical providers.

If you have pets, remember to keep items like pet foods and cat litter on hand so you don’t have to run to the store for pet supplies while you are already busy or sick yourself!

Germ Warfare

You will want to have disinfectant wipes and cleaning solutions for wiping down bathrooms and sick rooms, and generally around the house to prevent spreading germs.

There comes a time for every mom when she ends up cleaning up puke and diarrhea. Have a box of disposable gloves and masks that you can wear when handling soiled bed linens or clothes.

Disposable is definitely the way to go. Paper towels, paper cups and plates, and lots of plastic trash bags for lining wastebaskets, puke buckets, and laundry baskets.

Tip: For older kids and adults that may watch television in bed, cover the remote with a zipper-type plactic bag to keep it clean!

Do not cover a baby or small child’s pillow or mattress with plastic bags, they could suffocate! Use a waterproof mattress cover made for that purpose.

Stock up on boxes of tissues. It is amazing how many boxes of tissues can get used up by someone with a bad cold! I like to include the tissues that are infused with lotion in my stash because they do help prevent sore noses.

Toilet paper. You definitely do not want to run low on toilet paper. Flushable moist wipes are very soothing for someone who is spending a lot of time in the bathroom.

Paper lunch bags are great for collecting dirty tissues. Fold the top of the lunch bag over to keep it open and fasten it to the side of the bed with a binder clip. Throw the bag away every day or as soon as it is full.


Have some special things to bring out to entertain your recovering patients. Remember that coloring books are not just for kids anymore!

Small puzzles, playing cards and books on tape can be enjoyed by someone that needs to stay in bed.

What are your tips and tricks for taking care of a sick family member? Will you be organizing and planning in advance for this flu season?

Do you want to hear more on the subject of planning for family illness?

Please leave your questions and comments below!

New Business? Things to Consider Before Dumping Your Day Job

Planning and budgetijng will help your new business succeed!
A written financial plan will help your business succeed!

I love being a freelance business woman. #Girlboss. Entrepreneur. I have been working hard on my online business, and would like nothing more than to be able to give it my full time and attention.

I am looking forward to the day when I can let go of my Monday through Friday day job and be totally my own boss. No more schlepping to work in rain and snow. Working the hours that match my energy levels – and not working the hours that don’t. Not working two jobs! Heavenly!

There is nothing easy about launching a new business. Exciting, yes… worth it, yes again! But it is very hard work, and putting in the necessary start-up hours on top of a full-time day job is extremely challenging and stressful. So why do I keep doing it?

My plan is to continue to live within my means while launching my online business. If you are interested in keeping financial balance as your build your empire, there are three areas of consideration before you dump your day job!

Promises, Promises

There are loads of internet courses that will offer you the secret formula for building your online business in a certain number of days. Some even promise that if you really go for it, you can quickly grow your income to make thousands per month!

Other biz bosses have made it big, so why not you? Armed with your course materials and fueled by enthusiasm, you begin to actually create your business and see some achievement. Hot dog!

In every social media group for business newbies, the question invariably arises, “When can I quit my day job?” With success and big bucks just beyond the horizon, why not now?

When you are being cheered on to “Listen to your heart”, “Trust in your abilities”, and “Just go for it” it’s easy to feel like nothing can stop you from claiming that gold ring. Right now.

Show Me The Money

Getting your first few customers or a huge order for a month’s worth of your services is great stuff! It’s a start, a good start. But unless you have a solid back-up plan, it is not enough to rationalize typing up your day-job resignation yet. And it is definitely not enough to justify an abrupt departure. Momma was right, don’t burn your bridges!

Having been through economic downturns and a few unexpected family emergencies over the years, I learned to keep a practical financial plan in place.Let’s face it… stuff happens!

That’s why I appreciate that some of the top online business celebrities have been touching on these topics lately. These women are inspirational and encouraging to new business owners, and they provide a needed dose of realism.

Alexis Giostra, also known as MissTrenchcoat on her site Strange and Charmed, is a multi-platform star Business Coach and Productivity Guru. Alexis has been very candid about the measurable financial goals she set for her online business that had to be met before leaving her position with a Fortune 50 company. Goals that included a savings cushion and reaching target income levels before resigning her day job.

Earlier this week, the wildly popular Hilary Rushford, known for her fashion and business coaching services through her site Dean Street Society, gave an absolutely hilarious scope on a completely serious topic. While sporting a blonde wig, big glasses and an accent, “Gigi” explained that there are no overnight successes. Anyone you see who is making a steady financial success of their online business worked their tail off for more than a couple months!

The valuable take away from these two icons of successful online business is (1) having a written financial plan is an important part of building your business; and (2) you are not a failure if you haven’t replaced your day job income right out of the box.

Dollars and Sense

You can build a successful business in a short period of time. I know, because I’ve done it! I have a good foundational framework for my business, and paying customers.

So why do I still have a day job?

One reason is that I work for a fabulous employer that has been very good to me. I’m in no rush to run out the door forever.

More importantly from an entrepreneur’s perspective, is that my business is not yet where I want it to be. If I have to rely solely on my online business revenue, I won’t feel as free to take risks and try new things.

Since I started my business, I have learned so much from continuing education with exceptional mentors like MissTrenchcoat , Anne Samoilov and Mandy Jean Chic that my vision of the possibilities for my venture has grown! I am also benefiting tremendously from the communities formed by like-minded online business owners.

My financial plan and business budget is right where it needs to be. I am debt-free and have enough savings to cover all my living expenses for more than the recommended minimum six months.

I could quit my day job today and probably be all right. Since I really don’t want to have to burn through my savings, I would have to keep my nose so close to the grindstone that I would not likely be able to drop back and make changes and dream bigger. So I will wait a bit longer.

After Careful Consideration

Congratulations, your new business is taking off! You are a full-fledged entrepreneur!

Before you dump your day job, take stock of your unique situation in the three areas of expenses, income and expectations.

  • Expenses: Do you have debts that could be paid off if you keep the day job a bit longer? Have you prepared a written budget that includes quarterly or annual expenses pro-rated for each month so you are not caught short? Are there expenses currently covered by your employer that will have to be paid out of pocket, like health insurance? Will you be able to avoid incurring debt?
  • Income: Is your side-hustle now bringing in enough income to cover your monthly expenses and pay your taxes and related costs? Remember, as a self-employed person, you will be responsible for timely payment of taxes, usually quarterly. Do you have a savings cushion to cover at least six months of your expenses?
  • Expectations: You will be evolving as a manager and growing your business. Are there business enhancements you would like to invest in that would improve your platform, products or marketing? Improvements may include things like business courses, coaching services, web hosting, a camera or anything else that would help you work smarter or enhance your brand. Would you have to do without those improvements if you quit your day job now?

If you are ready to take the plunge and leave your day job, celebrate! It is a major milestone in your life.

If you are like me, and not quite ready yet, that’s okay too! We are still successful, still growing and have a lot to share with our communities. Tip: It doesn’t have to be all-or-nothing. My plan is to cut back to part-time and have the best of both worlds for a while.

Are you still working full or part time? What are your thoughts on dumping a day job? Have you done it? How did you make it work? Leave your comments below!

Living Within Your Means – Why You Should Be Planning To Shop Now!

Plan your holiday shopping now!

Hi there! My name is Debra. I have been married for 38 years and raised two children while living a frugal lifestyle. We own a lovely home and are totally debt-free.

Would you like to be comfortable and debt-free? You can do it. I am here to share my experience and tips that will help you Live Within Your Means.

What? How will it help you Live Within Your Means if you get in the car and go shopping?

If you are struggling with debt, and feel like you are getting deeper and deeper, the first order of business is to stop digging. Stop digging and start planning.

If you are dreaming about starting your own business but can’t afford to leave your day job, that’s another reason to stop the same spending pattern and start planning.


Lights Out! More Planning for Storms

More ways to prepare for storms
Storm-ready to do list!

In Part I, you gained some ideas to help you have an organized plan in place for safe lighting, a way to communicate, and a source for news and emergency instructions during power outages.

In Part II, you will learn tips for heating and cooling your space during an outage, food storage and cooking.

Keeping Cool

We were in the path of the Super Derecho that left a 700 mile path of destruction at the end of June 2012. Our power was out for several days, while daytime temperatures soared in the triple-digits with stifling humidity. It was awful!


Lights Out! Planning for Storms


Ready for Power Failure
Love my crank radio and extra phone charger!

Power outages can happen to anyone, anytime. Summer storms, winter storms, hurricanes or a pick-up truck wrapped around the pole on the main road can cause a loss of power that last from minutes to days.

Are you ready for when the lights go out? Planning and organizing now will keep you from fumbling in the dark. There are so many things you can do right now to get ready for the next big storm. You will be ready!


How to Have a Perfect Pity Party

Pity Party Cupcake

One of my beautiful nieces posted on Facebook this morning that with a full moon in Pisces this Saturday, she was going to curl up in solitude with tissues and comfort food.

Having no clue why a full moon would be tissue-worthy, I looked it up. It turns out that in astrological circles having a super full moon in Pisces will create some kind of emotional Armageddon. Holy hanky, Batman!

It occurred to me that there are plenty of times a girl needs a good cry, and you don’t have to wait for a full moon.


Moving? You Need These Tips!

Planning an Organized Move

Packing up and moving is stressful. I’ve moved in and out of apartments, townhouses and single-family homes over the years, locally and long-distance.

My experience has taught me some sure-fire tips that will make your next move less of a hassle.


The Perils of Periscope – 4 Tips for Protecting Your Brand

Periscope is the latest hot social media app that works as a mobile live streaming platform. Periscope makes it easy to spontaneously stream a live video of your opinions and activities via “scopes”. Participants show their support and raise the host’s ratings by screen tapping to generate “heart” icons that float up the side of the screen.

Connected to Twitter, your scopes automatically show up on your newsfeed, so your followers can tweet and re-tweet your broadcasts. This can be a great marketing tool for your online business with the potential to attract lots of new followers. Or not.

As a new online business owner, I am eager to learn from established webpreneurs, especially when it comes to productivity, content marketing, SEO and the like. Watching an expert LIVE and being able to ask questions is perfectly awesome. When it works.

I  have discovered, and continue to follow, some terrific Periscope hosts. I have also watched hosts who may be hurting their business with this powerful platform.

These are some tips I would offer to the cringe-worthy Periscope hosts I watched this week, and to anyone who wants to avoid the same mistakes.


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